Experimental video

Constant sensory intake from Jeanette Adams on Vimeo.

While reading "The Medium is the Massage" by Marshall McLuhan, it kind of dawned on me how much I rely on constant sensory intake to fill in my day. Media such as music, sound, visuals, and technology surround me without much break. I'm always doing something, never reflecting or taking the time to process through things. And yet, even though I am aware of this problem, I still crave that constant sensory intake that keeps my worries and thoughts away from my conscious mind.
In this video, I attempt to show the process of one day. I include the drone to symbolize the constant flow of information and media that is present throughout my day. When that drone fades out, even more media fills it's place at ever increasing volumes and speed until it reaches a point of sensory overload. In the end, I still give in to the media and my constant need for stimulation.


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